Thursday, 19 January 2012

Frames Inspection

New Home Inspections came out today to check on the frames, was mostly ok with just a couple of fix ups to do, things I'd never have known to look for so it was well worth it.  There were a couple of places where the reo in the slab was exposed they just need to treat and cover it up, and some issues with the frames where some additional timber is required.

                                           Exposed reo

                                                     Need an extra stud here.

All of the behind plaster plumbing is completed and most of the insulation wrapping is done.  The tiles and windows should be done next week and the bricks the following.  The target of mid May is still looking achievable.


  1. Well done Che, looking good. Starts to look like a real house when the frame is up and completed, it's great to be able to walk around and check everything is in the right place.

  2. Hi Ernie, Thanks for that. They have put everything in the right place thus far, progress has been extremely good and Damien seems to be on top of it all. Hopefully they can keep it up until hand over, I'm optimistic (possibly naively).

    How has everything been for you in the new place, must be feeling properly like home now?
